针刺引起孤独症语言障碍儿童事件临床研究相关电位P3潜伏期和波幅的变化☆ 张全明●,余瑞英z,庞 坚z,周雅芳z,周 茵z,靳 瑞 1广州中医药大学针灸推拿学院,广东省广州市510405;2宁波市海曙 区中医医院儿童脑病科,浙江省宁波市315000 通讯作者:张伞明☆,男,1964年生,甘肃省甘谷县人,汉族,2001年广 州中医药大学毕业,博上,副教授,主要从事儿童语言障碍针灸推拿治 疗的研究。 zhangquanming@126.c,om 中罔分类~':R749.94文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-5926(2005)20-0010-02 收稿口期:2005-03-03 修回口期:2005-04-13 (17/XN/YL) Acupuncture induced changes of the event related potential P3 latency and wave amplitude in autistic children with language disorder Zhang Quan-ming',Yu Rui-ying2,Pang Jian2, Zhou Ya-fang2,2hou Yin2,Jjn Rui','School of Acupuncture aml Massa~e, Guan~zhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Cuang:zhou 5 10405 7 Guangdong Province,China;2Haishu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Ningbo City, Ningh0 315000, Zhejiang Provim:e, China Correspondence to: Zhang Quan-ming齿, M.D.,Associate professor, School of Acupum:ture and Massage, Guanf;zhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, (;uangzhou 510405, Cuangclon~: Provim}e, China zhangquanming@126.com Received:2005-03-03 Accepted:2005-04-13 Abstract AIM: To observe the influence of acupuncture on event evoked potential P3 latency aml wave aml)litude in autistic children with lan~:uage disorders. METHODS: Thirty autistic children, who were treated in the Department of Pediatric Encephalopathy, Haishu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Ning;ho City between September 2000 and Septemher 2002, were divided into acupuncture ~:roup (n,=20) and control g:roup (n=10) acx:ording; to their order of admission. The patients in the acupuncture groulr') were treated with acupuncture at .sishen,zhen., n,iescnzzhen., nnosanzhen., Umzhizhen., shesan,zhen., shousanzhen., shouzhizh,en., zusan,zhen, zuzlzizhen., .fen,gclzi an,ci yamen. acpoints, once a day, 30 minutes for each time, 10 minutes for each acupuncture; There was a 2-day rest every week, and 4 weeks as a c:ourse for 4 courses; The patients in the control group were treated with Zhikang oral solution (tuber fleeceflower root, polygala root, lon~;an aril, g;lossy privet fruit, dragon's bone and tuckahoe, containing crude drug of 3 ~:/mL) and piracetam oral solution, 3 times a day, 10 mL for each time, they were treated for 4 continuous weeks. The changes of two kinds of event related potential P3 wave amplitude an latency were detected with JaF)anese MEB-4 200 evoke potential meter before and after treatment respectively; The event related potential P3 latenr,y could reflect the r,odin~ sorting and identifying{ velocity of cerebrum to stimulation, and P3 wave amplitude was associated with the numher of cerebral cortical synapse aml attentive status to evaluated the electrocerebral changes caused by psycholog<ical activities. RESULTS: According; to intention-to-treat analysis, all the 30 patients were im,nlved in the analysis of results. O P3 latency: It was ohviously shortened after treatment in the acupuncture g;roup as compared with that hefore treatment [(492.19+31.04), (525.64+39.26) ms, t=8.48, P < 0.01], but there was no significant {lifference in the control ~:roup hefore and after treatment [(510 38+23 29), (518.23+26.35) ms, t=1.97, P > 0.05]; The difference before and after treatment in the acupuncture g;roul) was sig;nificantly greater than that in the control grour) [(33.45 +8.22), (7.85+3.06) ms, P < 0.01]. ③ P3 wave amplitude: It w'as ohviously im:reased after treatment in the acupuncture g;roup as c:ompared with that before treatment [(5.98+1.63), (4.66+1.24)¨V, t=2.21, P < 0.05], but there was no sig;nificant difference in the control g;roup hefore and after treatment [(4.85+1.09), (4.72+1.05) yV, t=1.48, P > 0.05]; The differew.e before and after treatment in the acupuncture grc)up was significantly greater than that in the control group [(1.32+0.39), (0.13+0.04) L,V, P < 0.01]. CONCLUSION: Acupuncture can effectively shorten the event related I)otential P3 latency in autistu} children, indicating that ac:u[)un",ture treatment accelerates nervous impulse conduction, the recognizing and F)rocessin9: time of cerebrum to environmental information. After acupuncture treatment, the P3 wave amplitude of autistic c:hildren is increased, it is indicated that acupuncture can promote the g:rowth and development of' nerve fiber in children with developing; disorder, im:rease the numl)er and quality of cerebral cortical synapse; It also improves the level of attention in autistic {:hildren as much as possible, and increases the numher of neurcms that can be activated. Zhang QM, Yu RY, Pang J, Zhou YF, Zhou Y, Jin R Acupuncture induced changes of the evenf related potential P3 lafency and wave amplitude in autistic children with language disorder. Zhongguo Linchuang Kcuzg[u 2005;9 C201:10-l(Chinal 涨今明,余瑞英,庞坚,周雅芳,周茵,靳瑞针刺引起孤独症语言障碍儿童事件相 关Lb位P3淆伏期和波幅的变化U】中国临床康复,2005,9{2 01:10一] lwww.zglckf.comJ 摘要 目的:观察针刺对孤独症语言障碍儿童事件相关电位P3潜伏期和波幅 的影响。 力法:选择2000-09/2002-09在宁波市海曙区中医医院儿堂脑病科治 疗的儿童孤独症30例,按就诊顺序分为针刺组20例和对照组10例。 针刺组取四神针、颞三针、脑三针、头智针、舌三针、手三针、手智针、足 三针、足智针、风池、哑门,针刺1次/【1,30 min/次,10 min行针1次,每 周休息2d,4周为1个疗程,共治疗4个疗程。对照组口服智康口服液 (由何首乌、远志、龙眼肉、女贞子、龙骨、袄苓等组成,含生药3 g/mL)、 吡拉西坦口服液,3次/d,每次各10 mL,连续治疗4个月。治疗前后使 用日本MEB-4 200诱发电位仪检测2组事件相关电位P3波幅和潜伏 期的变化,事件相关电位P3的潜伏期口J反映大脑对刺激进行编码、分 类和识别的速度,P3的波幅与大脑皮质突触数目及注意状态有关,评 估其由心理活动产生的脑电变化。 结果:按意向处理分析,30例患儿均进入结果分析。OP3潜伏期:针刺 组治疗后较治疗前明最缩短『( 492.19+31.04),(525.64+39.26)ms,t=8.48. P< 0.01],对照组与治疗前比较无差异[(510.38-cl3.29),(518.73+'16.35)ms, t=1.97,P>0.05],治疗前后差值针刺组显著高于对照组f(33.45+8.22), ( 7.85+3.06)ms,P<0.01]。②P3波幅:针刺组治疗后较治疗前明甚升高 『(5.98±1.63),( 4.66+1.24) pLV,t=2.21.P<0.05],对照组与治疗前比较无 差异『(4 85±1.09),( 4.72+1.05) pLV,t=1.48,P>0.05],治疗前后差值针刺 组碌著高于对照纽『(1.32±0_39),( 0.13+0.04) VV,P<0.01]。 结论:针刺能有效缩短孤独症儿童事件相关电位P3潜伏期,提示针刺 治疗使神经冲动传导加快,大脑对外界信息的认知加上时间缩短。孤独 症儿童针刺治疗后P3波幅升高,提示针刺町以促进发育受阻的患儿的 神经纤维的生长发育,增加大脑皮质突触的数目与质量,同时,尽口J能 提高了孤独症忠儿的注意水平,增加了能激活起来的神经元数量。 主题词:孤独性障碍/针灸疗法;事件相关电位,P300;针刺 O 引言 P3是事件相关电位中潜伏期在300 ms以后出现 的一个止向成分,它是当人注意到某客体并进行认知 加工时,在头皮上记录到的电位,又称"P3认知诱发电 位”。关于P3的人量研究结果表明,它是与注意、辨认、 决策、记忆等认知功能有关的事件相关诱发电位成分, 现在己广泛应用于心理学、医学、测谎等领域。孤独症 儿童由于其社会交往障碍、智力低下、语言障碍等,理 解力差,很难按照要求完成任务P3的检测,凶此,作者 采用无任务P3探讨针刺对其认知发育的影响。 1 对象和方法 设计:非随机化同期对照观察。 单位:一所区级中医医院的儿童脑病科,广州中 医药入学针灸推拿学院。 对象:选择2000-09/2002-09往宁波市海曙区中医 医院儿童脑病科治疗的儿童孤独症30例。纳入标准:① 符合国际疾病分类与美围精神障碍诊断统计手册及中 国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准的标准诊断『-捌。②年龄 在12周岁以内。③家长和患儿对治疗知情同意,能坚 持针刺治疗4个月,配合治疗者。排除标准:①患有儿 童精神分裂症、Asperger综合征、Heller综合征和Rett 综合征者。②治疗期间采用其他治疗手段者。30例患 儿中男24例,女6例;年龄2~12岁,初诊时年龄2~8 岁,甲均4.6岁;就诊时的主诉:不会讲话、吐字不清、 ISSN 1671-5926 CIN 21-1470/R 张今明,等.墓裂磊霎孤独症语言障碍儿童事件相关电位P3潜伏期和 www.zglcAj,com kj23385083@sinn com !化 语言发育迟缓26例侣7%、;性格孤癖,不与周围人交流 16例(53%);能力差、智力落后12例(40%);多动、不听 指挥6例(200/0)。将患儿按就诊顺序分为针刺组20例 和对照组10例。针刺组20例中,男16例,女4例;对 照组10例中,男8例,女2例。两组性别、年龄等具有 可比性。 设计、实施、评估者:设计为第一作者,治疗与检 测由第一作者及经过统一培训的宁波市海曙区中医 院儿童脑病科的医师,非盲法评估。 干预措施:针刺组:针刺穴何处方:头四项r四神 针、颞三针、脑三针、头智针、、舌三针、手三针f合谷、曲 池、外关)、手智针(神rJ、内关、劳宫);足三针(足三里、 三阴交、太冲1,足智针,风池、哑rJ。针刺方法:每次治 疗选取主穴,配穴根据临床症状选用,针刺1次/d, 30min/次,10 min行针1次,每周休息2d,4周为1 个疗程,芡治疗4个疗程。 对照组:IJ服智康【l服液(由何首乌、远志、龙眼 肉、女贞子、龙骨、茯苓等组成,合生药3 g/mL,人连金 港制药有限公司),吡拉西坦l】服液(吖一氨基丁酸的环 状衍生物,10 mL:0.4 g,武汉马应龙药业集团股份有 限公司,批号:92卫约准字X-01),3次/d,1支/次, 连续治疗4个月。 P3检测方法:于屏敝室内,被试者保持觉酵状态, 使用日本MEB-4200诱发电位仪,电极按国际脑电图 学会标准10/20系统法,记录电极安放在Cz部位,参 考电极放置于双侧乳突点,FPZ接地,皮肤电极阻抗小 于5 kfl,其中”靶”刺激音频率为2 000 Hz,概率为 20%,非靶刺激的频率为1 000 Hz,分析时间为100 ms, P3的提取、叠加、测量均在诱发电位含义上的编辑程 度及脑电图编辑程度上进行。每叠加20次后所获波 甲滑3次后,进行P3波幅、潜伏期测量。检测时,让受 试者听耳机中的声音,指导语是:“小朋友,请仔细听 这里面的声音,不要动,不要哭,不要说话。” P3波辨认方法与测量:在刺激300 ms以后出现 的第1个止向波,在其前面有一个较人的负向波N2。 P3有时是双峰波。测量时,以波幅高者为准;若波幅相 等,则以P3的上升度与下降度二者延长线的交点作 为测量P3潜伏期的起点。 主要观察指标:两组患儿治疗前后事件桕关诱发 电何中P3潜伏期与波幅。 统计学分析:由广州中医药人学第一作者采用 Excel.SPSS 10.0统计软件进行检验,£检验。 2结果 2.1 描述性统计 2.1.1 参与者数量分析 按意向处理分析,全部患儿 均完成了治疗与检测,没有中途脱落者;30例均进入 结果分析。 2.1.2 孤独症儿童治疗前后P3波形的概况 孤独症 儿童治疗前后也全部引出了明显的P3波。人部分P3 潜伏期延长,波幅降低,波形不整。 2.2统计推断 |
马丽 主任医师,心理治疗师,原河南省人民医院阜外医院心理科主任医师,曈心心理诊室创始人,新郑市公立人民医院心理科特聘专家,郑州同心园康复中心技术督导
曾于华中科技大学同济医院,北京 宣武医院,武汉心理医院,中德心理医院、河南省精神病院多次进修学习。擅长认知行为治疗及以精神分析为取向的深层动力学心理治疗技能。在国家级、省级杂志上发表学术论文多篇;著作《前行有声—医生、患者、心理分析》。